Nordic Co-operation


Boverket co-operate with other central government authorities in the Nordics.

Nordic central government authorities co-operate

The Nordic central government authorities within our field of operation use to meet once a year. This autumn (2024) we will meet our Nordic colleagues within housing and within town and country planning. Both meetings will be held in Sweden. The authorities exchange information on current projects and activities as e.g. provision of dwellings related to the new industrial establishments of battery factories and mining, national planning co-ordination of competing land use interests.

The Nordic Council of Ministers has an overarching objective to harmonize the Nordic building construction sector. The work is carried out within work packages on life-cycle analysis of buildings and climate declarations; circular economy aspects in public procurements; sustainable materials and architecture; emission-free construction sites. Boverket takes part in working groups, a reference group as well as the steering committee linked to these actions. The Nordic ministers responsible for housing and building construction meet in Sweden this autumn (2024) to agree on objectives for the next programme period (2025-2030).

Boverket (2024). Nordic Co-operation. Fetched 2025-03-26