Classification system for procurements

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The purpose of classification system for procurements, CPV, is to standardise terminology that is used in procurements.

Common Procurement Vocabulary, CPV, is a classification system for public procurements. It standardises the terminology that procuring authorities use to describe the subjects that are to be procured. The classification system is also an important tool for being able to search for procurement announcements.

All CPV codes may be found in the European Commission Regulation 213/2008. The procuring authority shall choose the CPV code that best describes the relevant needs and the subject of the procurement. It is the subject of the procurement that controls which CPV code is to be used and a number of different CPV codes may be used for a single procurement.

If the procuring authority cannot find a suitable CPV code, it can instead make a reference to a suitable main group, sub-group or category. It is possible to add further details to each CPV code by means of the supplementary vocabulary.

It can be difficult for suppliers to find the right procurements, which means that the CPV codes are a useful support. When CPV codes are selected in a consistent and clear way, the supplier runs less risk of missing the opportunity to submit a tender. This also means that some appeals can be avoided.

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Boverket (2023). Classification system for procurements. Fetched 2025-02-22