Climate declaration for new buildings

The act on climate declarations for new buildings came into force 1 January 2022. The purpose is to reduce the climate impact from the construction stage. This means that the climate declaration regulation applies to new buildings that require building permits. Here you get information about the regulation on climate declaration for buildings. The information is based on the law, ordinance and provision on climate declaration for buildings. 

Here you can find the English version of the climate database from Boverket and commonly asked questions about the regulation. The government commissioned Boverket an assignment to submit proposals on how to accelerate the introduction of limit values for climate impact from buildings and expand the application of climate declarations, you can read more about the assignments here.

There are also several private initiatives to promote sustainable construction through different certification schemes. Here you can find information about the most common environmental certification systems in Sweden.

A database is displayed on a laptop screen. Buildings in the background.

Climate database from Boverket

The National Board of Housing, Building and Planning (Boverket) provides a climate database for calculating the climate impact during the construction stage. In cases where the developer wants to use generic climate data in a climate declaration, the data must be retrieved from here.

Climate declaration follow-up and statistics

Here, you can learn more about current follow-ups of and statistics on climate declarations for buildings in Sweden.

Speech bubbles with quesion and exclamation marks.

Questions and answers about climate declarations

The most common questions about climate declarations of buildings.

Stapeldiagram intill byggnader

The assignment on limit values

The National Board of Housing, Building and Planning has been commissioned by the government to investigate how the introduction of a limit value can be done earlier than 2027.

Illustration of a building with a certificate label.

Voluntary environmental certification

Environmental certification is a tool to quantify and assess environmental performance of a building, a city district or an infrastructure project.

Boverket (2024). Climate declaration for new buildings. Fetched 2025-03-14