Swedish Regulations for building works


When you build a building you need to follow the building code. The building code in Sweden contains mandatory provisions and general recommendations.

Boverket publishes the Swedish building code. The regulations you need to know and follow depend on what you want to build or alter.

On these pages you can find Boverket's building regulations, BBR, and Boverket's applications of the European construction standards (eurocodes), EKS, in English. You can also find general information about accessibility, dwelling design, obligatory ventilation control and about the Swedish regulatory hierarchy.

Who does what?

The Parliament

The Parliament adopts the Planning and Building Act, PBA.

The Government

The Government adopts the Planning and Building Ordinance, PBO.


Boverket drafts mandatory provisions and general recommendations in Boverket's Building Regulations.

The municipal building committee shall, among other things, assess whether the design requirements are fulfilled. Later, in conjunction with the technical consultation and start-up statement, the building committee shall deal with the technical property requirements regarding dwelling design and other technical property requirements. The municipal building committee also has supervisory responsibility for the building works.

The client/owner is responsible for compliance with the regulations. In most cases, it is the one who owns the property that is the client/owner of a project.

Boverket (2018). Swedish regulations for building works. https://www.boverket.se/en/start/laws-and-regulations/national-regulations/ Fetched 2025-03-14