Accessibility in the built environment


This provides an overview of the accessibility regulations for which Boverket has responsibility.

The purpose of the accessibility regulations

Accessibility is governed by several different sets of regulations, some of which are managed by other agencies. The tab "Elaboration" at the top of this page provides a description of who is responsible for what. We also describe the regulations for the certification of experts.

The purpose of the accessibility regulations is to enable as many as possible to participate in society on equal terms. It should be possible for the built environment to be used both by people who have full mobility and by people who use, e.g. wheelchairs, walking frames or canes. People with impaired vision, impaired hearing or other impaired orientation capacity should also be able to use the built environment.

If you are planning to build something or make an alteration, it is your municipality that can tell you what you may do or must do. It is the developer that is responsible for compliance with the regulations.

Which sets of regulations are applicable?

The UN Convention

Sweden is legally bound by the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The Swedish laws are based on the Convention.

The Planning and Building Act (PBA) and the Planning and Building Ordinance (PBO)

A general requirement for accessibility and usability for people with impaired mobility or orientation capacity is given in Chapter 8, Sections 1, 4, 7 and 9 of the Planning and Building Act (2010:900), PBA, and in Chapter 3, Sections 4, 18 and 23 of the Planning and Building Ordinance (2011:338), PBO.

Boverket's Building Regulations (BBR)

Boverket's Building Regulations, BBR, contain mandatory provisions regarding application of the Act and Ordinance. Boverket's Building Regulations apply for a new building or for an alteration, including altered use. Most of the regulations are found in section 3, but there are also regulations in section 8.

Buildings must be accessible and usable for people with impaired mobility and orientation. Sites intended for development must be accessible and usable if this is not unreasonable with reference to the terrain and conditions in general.

Holiday homes with no more than two dwellings are exempt. Work premises are exempt if it is unjustified to make the premises accessible and usable with regard to the nature of operations.


The standards to which BBR's general recommendations refer may be followed. The general recommendations give examples of ways to meet the requirements placed by the mandatory provision. You can do things differently if you can show that the requirements of the mandatory provision are met. Standards are not available on the internet but may be ordered from SIS(Swedish Standards Institute).

Easily eliminated obstacles, HIN

Easily eliminated obstacles must be remedied according to Boverket's mandatory provisions and general recommendations on the removal of easily eliminated obstacles to and in premises to which the public has access and in public spaces (BFS 2013:9 - HIN 3). The regulations of HIN apply retroactively. An accessibility consultant can make an assessment of whether an obstacle is easily eliminated and can also help with an action plan.

Accessibility and usability in public spaces, ALM

When constructing new public spaces and areas, these shall be made accessible and usable. This applies, for example, to streets, squares, parks, recreational areas and outdoor baths. The regulations are contained in Boverket's mandatory provisions and general recommendations on accessibility and usability for people with limited mobility or orientation capacity in public spaces and in areas for constructions other than buildings (BFS 2011:5 ALM 2).

Accessibility is assessed already at the building permit stage

As regards accessibility, the Planning and Building Act contains both design requirements and technical property requirements. The difference is that design requirements are to be assessed in the building permit, while the technical property requirements are dealt with in the start-up statement and control plan. Here you can see which requirements are design requirements or technical property requirements, or both: Guidance document using different colours and styles to show design requirements and technical property requirements for BBR 3:1 Accessibility and 3:2 Dwelling design.

Certification of experts in accessibility – TIL

The Building Committee may require a certified expert to control that the accessibility requirements are met in cases where the developer´s self-implemented control is not adequate.

The certification of experts in accessibility is managed by the company Kiwa Sverige. Boverket thus does not issue any certificates.

Boverket drafts the regulations that say which requirements apply for a person to become certified as an expert in accessibility. The regulations are contained in TIL – certification of experts in accessibility.

Further information

For further information, please contact Boverket.


Other government agencies that work with accessibility and their mandatory provisions concerning accessibility:

The Swedish Work Environment Authority

The Swedish Work Environment Authority manages work environment regulations. The requirements of work environment legislation on accessibility in premises and the Authority's directions accompanying the Work Environment Act are applicable in addition to the accessibility requirements of planning and building legislation. Unlike the Planning and Building Act, the Work Environment Act not only applies to new construction and alteration, etc., but to all existing premises where employees perform work for an employer. Schools are primarily work premises as their pupils are also counted as employees. Special forms of dwelling for the elderly are simultaneously a dwelling and the workplace of nursing staff. These dwellings must therefore meet both the requirements of BBR and the requirements of work environment regulations. You can read about accessibility in work premises in the provisions of the Swedish Work Environment Authority, Workplace design.

The Swedish Agency for Participation

The task of the Swedish Agency for Participation is to promote respect and awareness regarding the rights of persons with disabilities, and from a rights, diversity, gender equality and civic perspective, promote full participation in society for persons with disabilities of all ages and equality of living conditions. When there is reason to do so, government agencies are to consult with the Swedish Agency for Participation.

The Swedish National Heritage Board

There has been great progress with regard to creating accessibility in older cultural environments. The Swedish National Heritage Board is a national agency with responsibility for issues concerning the cultural environment and cultural heritage. The Heritage Conservation Act does not prohibit measures to increase accessibility.

The National Board of Health and Welfare

The National Board of Health and Welfare has regulations for dwellings under the Act concerning Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments, LSS.

The Swedish Transport Administration

The Swedish Transport Administration works for the basic accessibility of interregional public transport, in part through the procurement of transport services.

The Swedish Arts Council

All cultural institutions in the areas of theatre, dance, music, literature, libraries, museums and exhibitions that receive government grants must have remedied easily eliminated obstacles and should only operate in accessible premises. This also applies to independent groups and others to the extent this may be considered reasonable.

In particular, agencies shall act to ensure that their premises, activities and information are accessible for people with disabilities. This work is to be guided by the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Boverket (2019). Accessibility in the built environment. Fetched 2025-03-14