Housing market information


The National Board of Housing, Building and Planning is the government's expert authority on issues concerning the development of the housing market.

The Board of Housing, Building and Planning produces analyses and forecasts of housing market trends. This allows the authority to give early signals on how the supply and demand for housing are developing in the country. The Housing Market Survey is a survey of the situation in the housing market that all municipalities complete in the beginning of every year. The results are published later in the same year.

Housing construction indicators

The National Board of Housing, Building and Planning compiles and analyses data on the performance of the country's construction, housing and credit market. The results are published in the series Boverkets indikatorer [The National Board of Housing, Building and Planning's Indicators]. The Board also studies the long-term need for housing.

Market reports

The market reports are an analysis of conditions in the housing market. One of the purposes of the reports is to increase understanding of how pricing and credit granting work.

Regional analyses of the housing market

The municipalities are responsible for planning to ensure that there is sufficient housing for everyone in the municipality. The county administrative boards provide the municipalities with advice and background information in their planning to ensure the provision of sufficient housing. The role of the National Board of Housing, Building and Planning is to support the county administrative boards in their fulfillment of this task, and to promote networks and the dissemination of experience between counties and municipalities. The Board of Housing, Building and Planning particularly supports the county administrative boards in the preparation of regional housing market analyses. The Board also monitors housing trends internationally, particularly in the Nordic region and within the EU.

Evaluates results of government initiatives

The Board of Housing, Building and Planning conducts ongoing impact analyses and evaluations of national government housing policy initiatives, particularly various forms of state support for housing construction, energy efficiency and climate measures, or measures to improve accessibility.

Further information

For further information, please contact Boverket.

Boverket (2023). Housing market information. https://www.boverket.se/en/start/swedish-market/analyse-market/the-housing-market/ Fetched 2025-03-14